Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to succeed at Blogging

Here is the number one reason most bloggers fail.  They lose motivation.  They just stop.  It does happen over a period of time.  You need to build up networks.  Put yourself out there, put yourself on line.    Trust me from an novice.  Its harder than it looks.  Its like you are standing nude for all the world to see.  I thought this blogging was going to easy.  No No No.  Was I wrong. 

Anyone who has ever started a blog will tell you that it is downright demoralizing to start a blog. When no one visits your blog, you have no friends, you don't know if anyone reads your stuff.  You start to think, am I just wasting my time.  I could be doing so many more things that would be counter productive.  You start to feel lost.  I am going through these emotions right now. 

Unfortunately for most people, that is the end of their blogging journey. Well not there yet.  It has only been days.  But within months, if not weeks the blog is abandoned and another number is added to the failed blogs hall of fame.  Does this sound familar.  I am sure that you know someone or you are going through the same thing yourself.

But the very mind that loses hope can be made to maintain it if you invest a lot of effort into your blog upfront. It is human tendency to try harder at and stick longer to something that you have already devoted effort to.

Before you quit.  Try guest posting.  It is one of the most powerful ways to build your blog.  This will be what my next blog will be about as I am about to give this a go.  What have I got to lose.  Nothing. It allows you to get your name on established blogs, and gives you a taste of what it would be like to have a popular blog.  You can also drive traffic to your already existing blog.

The thing with guest blogging is that you need to do it often to make it worth while. You cannot do that when you barely have enough posts to keep your own blog going.

Finally, posting on your blog and writing guest posts for other blogs may even bring in some much needed funds.
When someone is paying you good money to write posts, you need to able to deliver high quality content under tight deadlines. This means you need a lot of practise before you start.   So come on people lets get typing. 

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